
Patinas on metal objects can be beautiful. Our Patination section covers techniques and materials you’ll need to safely add patinas to metal jewelry.

Tips & Techniques for Popular Finishing Touches

Tips & Techniques for Popular Finishing Touches

We asked a number of top jewelers to tell us their best practices, techniques, and tips for creating satin, brushed,...
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Liver of Sulfur 101

Liver of Sulfur 101

Liver of sulfur, a stinky jewelry studio standby, can be used to create beautiful patinas on Silver, Silver Precious Metal...
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Using Liver of Sulfur

This is a mixture of potassium sulfides which has traditionally been used to darken or 'antique' silver and bronzes. This...
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Iridescent Patina Recipe

This is the basic recipe for the iridescent patina. This patina is most effective on highly textured pieces, such as...
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Patina Formulas

The surface of metals may be colored, a patina added either chemically or with heat. Patinas are generally achieved by...
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Patination Safety Considerations

Jewelers use so-called -oxidising- solutions to darken metals like silver, copper, brass, nickel silver, bronze and, with specialized mixtures, on...
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The Foundation of Japanese Patinas

The Foundation of Japanese Patinas

Niage is an important Japanese patina, and one of the most basic. It has been used as the base color...
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Introduction to Japanese Alloys

Japanese artists have contributed significantly by using their unique alloys in innovative combinations. Perhaps the best example of this is...
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Brief Notes on Shakudo

As with most Japanese metal coloring methods the techniques are metallurgically based rather than solution oriented; in the West we...
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Testing Japanese Patina Solutions

Testing Japanese Patina Solutions

It is important to understand that many variables will affect patina results. Our tests were made on smooth, rolled metal....
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Cupric Nitrate Patination of Metals

This patination solution gives you a range of greens, olives, browns, black, turquoise and yellow-greens on many metals because it...
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Japanese Special Patinas

The rich history of Japanese patinas is the result of hundreds of years of experimentation, innovation and tradition. This article...
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Resists and Electroplating to Create Patterns

Resists and Electroplating to Create Patterns

With the ever-higher cost of precious metals, many jewelers are increasingly working with non-precious metals such as stainless steel, titanium,...
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Patination by Copper and Copper Alloy Fuming

Patination by Copper and Copper Alloy Fuming

Patination is a technique which has become popular for some kinds of fashion jewellery in recent years. Usually a patina...
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The Patina Studio

The Patina Studio

It is impossible to pretend that a single description of tools, materials, and equipment will suit all needs. Obviously these...
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Patination for Small Scale Studio Use

Patination for Small Scale Studio Use

In recent years there has been an increased interest in patination and metal coloring. This may be seen as a...
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A Conversation with Michael Rowe

A Conversation with Michael Rowe

Michael Rowe uses functional containers as a base from which to explore formal studies of space, form and balance, which...
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Helen Shirk: Patterns of Growth

Helen Shirk: Patterns of Growth

Last fall, the National Ornamental Metal Museum in Memphis, Tennessee hosted a retrospective of the work of Helen Shirk. Nearly...
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Patinating Brass Alloys Using Contact Plating

This procedure should be undertaken with appropriate precautions; goggles, gloves, protective clothing, adequate ventilation. Recently I have been presented with...
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Methods for Applying Patination Solutions

Extremely clean metal surfaces give better results. See the article on Cleaning metal Surfaces for more information on cleaning.
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A Method of Steel Patination

As part of a large scale patination project in which I patinated a steel roof surface 24 by 48 feet...
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Patination Sources from the Internet

Here are some patination sources on the internet. Remember that all patinas are toxic and irritant and should not...
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