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    Casting Equipment, Tools and Know-how for Designers and Small Workshops

    Focused on the requirements of bench jewelers and designers Ti-Research offers small but highly reliable casting equipment even for smallest locations.

    The compact centrifugal casting machine Cast is an alternative for designers and professional bench jewelers without the hassle of sending molds back and forth, loosing precious time and expenses for work that can be done in house.

    The small unit allows casting of all metals which can be melted by flame under atmospheric conditions without contami­nation.

    Up to 450 grams of gold or equivalent amounts of other metals can be cast in one cycle within its size (6.6" in diameter and 10" in height). The sprueing is done radially onto the wax disk to most effectively fill the mold during casting, which cuts metal waste by about 50 percent over traditional casting tree methods.

    Besides equipment for casting and product specific supply Ti-Research also produces invest­ments for high melting and reactive metals like Pt and Ti, respectively. Common feature of these investments is the short burn out cycle, cutting the time from sprueing to devesting down to two hours.

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